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ConvertKit founder and CEO Nathan Barry

ConvertKit Newsletter Platform for Creators: From Passion to Profit

ConvertKit founder and CEO Nathan Barry bootstrapped his startup strategy 11 years ago with only $5,000 and a small garage...
businessman in office using computer

B2B E-Commerce: Key Reports Indicate Many Web Stores Broken

Two prominent research efforts released in Q1-24 on the future of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce suggest that the marketplace is in...
planning for an e-commerce website superior user experience

Beyond the Cart: UX Hits and Misses Can Make or Break a Virtual Storefront

Let's explore key insights into UX design, highlighting essential best practices, common mistakes, and the latest trends that are shaping...
AI digital signage

Spectrio Digital Signage Gives AI Assist to In-Store Marketing

Digital signage itself is not radically new. What is new, however, are the improved features and artificial intelligence behind the...
artificial intelligence data analyst

The Risks and Rewards of AI Adoption in Retail

Retailers are not wasting any time in pushing the gen AI agenda. However, they may be moving a bit too...
processing online shopping returns

E-Commerce Returns’ Billion-Dollar Burden on Business and the Planet

Online shopping returns cost retailers billions of dollars, pump tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and dump billions of...
Loxx Boxx mobile app

Loxx Boxx Prevents Porch Piracy With Secure, Smart Storage

Security cameras can catch a porch thief in the act, but they probably won't prevent the snatch-and-grab from happening. Loxx...
e-commerce strategies

Accelerate Global E-Commerce Growth With 5 Localization Methods

In the dynamic landscape of global e-commerce, unlocking the potential of international markets requires a nuanced and market-specific approach. Embracing...
artificial intelligence in e-commerce

Cybersecurity Expert Pegs AI as Online Shopping’s Biggest Threat

According to Kumar Dasani, CISO at Digital River, AI’s seemingly boundless potential has spurred concern. The pace of its evolution...
cashless payment transaction

Mobile Payment Industry Innovations Driving Online, In-Store Sales

Mobile payment innovations are transforming commerce by enhancing consumer convenience and boosting sales across online and physical stores. New technologies...

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