EU Elections 2024
Technology 09-06-2024

Political groups demand ‘responsibilities’ over Parliament’s data leak

Est. 4min

Four political groups have sent letters to the European Parliament President asking for further details, action, and "responsibilities" related to a recent data breach that affected a significant amount of employees' personal data, including passports.

Elections 09-06-2024

Hungary’s Magyar says Orbán’s government can be replaced

Est. 3min

EU election results will show Hungarians that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's government can be replaced, political newcomer Péter Magyar said after a campaign rally attended by tens of thousands on the eve of the polls.

Elections 09-06-2024

Irish coalition parties set to trounce Sinn Féin in local elections

Est. 3min

Ireland's two main coalition parties looked set on Saturday (8 June) to soundly beat Sinn Féin in local council elections, a surprising and potentially devastating blow to the left-wing party's hope of its first victory in national elections due by March.

Global Europe 09-06-2024

Israel rescues four hostages in Gaza raid that Hamas says kills 210 Palestinians

Est. 6min

Israeli forces rescued four hostages held by Hamas since October in a raid in Gaza on Saturday (8 June) that Palestinian officials said killed more than 200 people, one of the single bloodiest Israeli assaults of the eight-month-old war.

Global Europe 09-06-2024

Biden vows US ‘standing strong’ with Ukraine on France state visit

Est. 4min

President Joe Biden on Saturday (8 June) vowed Washington was "standing strong" with Ukraine as French counterpart Emmanuel Macron hosted him on a state visit shadowed by Kyiv's fight against Russia's invasion and the looming US election.

Elections 09-06-2024

Bulgaria holds another snap election, with more instability seen ahead

Est. 4min

Bulgarians head to the polls on Sunday (9 June) for their sixth parliamentary election in three years, but analysts say the vote is unlikely to yield a stable government that can end prolonged political instability and unblock economic reforms.

Politics 09-06-2024

How national concerns drive European elections in Slovakia, Czechia, Latvia and Malta

In this episode, journalists Aneta Zachova, Liene Lusite and Alice Taylor explain turnout trends, projections and what drives the electoral campaign in the latest countries to close their polls.

Politics 08-06-2024

The other election, where ‘Brexit’ remains taboo

Est. 4min

As Europe goes to the polls, there's another election taking place in Europe, that of the bloc's absent friend, the United Kingdom's snap general election, scheduled for 4 July with a change to a more EU-friendly government likely to be on the cards.

Politics 08-06-2024

Suspect to face preliminary questioning after assault on Danish PM Frederiksen

Est. 2min

Danish police said on Saturday (8 June) a 39-year-old man would appear in front of a judge for preliminary questioning in relation to an assault on the country's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen in central Copenhagen late on Friday.

Global Europe 08-06-2024

Biden asks Americans to recommit to democracy in Normandy cliff speech

Est. 5min

Atop the cliff that US Army Rangers scaled 80 years ago on D-Day, President Joe Biden on Friday (7 June) compared the threats posed by Nazi Germany to those facing the world today by dictators and authoritarianism, and urged Americans to resist isolationism.

Enlargement 08-06-2024

Moldova’s Interpol chief charged with corruption

Est. 2min

Moldova's top official for Interpol has been detained and indicted on a corruption charge, his lawyer said Friday (7 June), after several arrests this week in a vast operation over sabotaged "red notices" for wanted suspects.

Global Europe 08-06-2024

Biden aide raises possible increased deployments of US strategic nuclear weapons

Est. 4min

The United States may have to deploy more strategic nuclear weapons in coming years to deter growing threats from Russia, China and other adversaries, a senior White House aide said on Friday (7 June).

Politics 07-06-2024

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen attacked in Copenhagen

Est. 2min

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederisksen was assaulted by a man in Kultorvet, Copenhagen on Friday evening, (7 May).

France’s Macron hopes to finalise plans to send military instructors to Ukraine ‘in coming days’

Est. 3min

At the end of his two-day visit to France, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will not be returning from Paris empty-handed but with a number of commitments including a future coalition to send instructors to Ukraine.

The green movement in the Baltic States: Between hope and reality

Est. 4min

Polls predict that the Green/EFA group will post a fourfold increase in the number of European Parliament seats for the Baltic States after this weekend's elections. Euractiv spoke with local experts, who cautioned that this increase does not constitute a real 'green wave' in the region.

Health 07-06-2024

Finland offers vaccination against bird flu to those working with poultry, or on fur farms

Est. 3min

Finland has become the first country in the EU to vaccinate against the H5N1 avian flu, currently spreading among US cattle, announcing that it will use the Sequirus vaccine that has been jointly procured at the EU level. 

Agrifood 07-06-2024

The left struggles to mobilise farmers in Europe 

Est. 5min

During this electoral campaign, agricultural issues have taken centre stage due to the spectacular protests staged by farmers across Europe since January.  

Elections 07-06-2024

The Brief – Groundhog Day for Europe’s ‘far-right surge’

Est. 6min

Too often we speak about the surge of 'the far-right' in Europe but we forget this is neither new nor too surprising. The reality is, the far-right is joining the mainstream as we speak.

Agrifood 07-06-2024

Wojciechowski: Agrifood sector should be spared from EU-China trade tensions

Agrifood products should be kept out of the current EU-China trade tensions as the Asian giant is a key partner for the sector, EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski told Euractiv.

OpinionPromoted content
Economy 07-06-2024

EU biodiesel industry may not survive 2024 if left unprotected from Chinese unfair imports

Est. 5min

As a frontrunner in climate ambitions, the EU cannot allow the demand for biodiesel to be met by unfair and possibly fraudulent imports from China. Immediate registration of imports is critical, before it is too late.

Disinformation 07-06-2024

Facebook and TikTok kill fake news story in Italy

Est. 3min

A fake news story claiming that Italy might leave the EU if there was low turnout at this weekend's elections shared on Italian social media was taken down by big tech platforms this week.

Politics 07-06-2024

An important election for the LGBTIQ community

Est. 3min

The rise of populist parties, increasingly trying to push back the LGBTIQ community's rights, makes the adopted EU strategy for equality and further work even more important, writes Helge Ytterøy L’orange of the Centre-Right LGBT+ Alliance.

As of today, if none of the attacked plants can be repaired, in almost 90% of the time some Ukrainians will not get electricity in winter and overall, a fifth of the electricity demand cannot be met.

Preventing Ukraine from falling into darkness

Est. 5min

Russia is trying to strategically destroy Ukraine’s ability to supply its population and economy with electricity and heat. However a number of complimentary energy-side measures can minimize the risks.

Technology 07-06-2024

Tech in the next Parliament; rules on addictive design, but weakened push for market integration 

Est. 12min

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